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Home > Veterinary tests > Scanelis PCR Tests > Birds, Ferret & Rabbit > Cryptosporidium sp.

Quantitative analysis of the load of Cryptosporidium sp. responsible for digestive troubles and a high mortality rate in young rabbits.

Reasons for testing

- Diagnostics of digestive form of Cryptosporidiosis
- Quantitative analysis of the load for status determination (shedding)
- Treatment monitoring

Test characteristics

- Quantitative PCR / Real-time PCR
- Limit of detection
- Quantitative analysis of the protozoan load

Diagnostic samples

  • Rectal swab (dry swab without any preservative medium)

Result interpretation

- Negative result: absence of these coccidia or quantity lower than the limit of detection. A negative result does not exclude an asymptomatic carrier status because the rectal shedding of Cryptosporidium is intermittent
- Positive result: presence of the protozoan in the sample(s). Positive results should be interpreted in the clinical setting and the epidemiological context and depending on the duration of the clinical signs.
As the Scanelis Cryptosporidium sp. PCR is a quantitative assay, it is interesting for a treatment monitoring, in order to assess the efficiency (if the shedded load is decreased).

Do not hesitate to contact us for an interpretation of a quantitative result.