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Quality Control of Biologicals

Most of the assays developed by Scanelis can be used for Quality Control of your biologicals.
All the real-time PCR assays available at Scanelis laboratory have been developed according to the European Pharmacopoeia - part ’PCR testing’ (Methods of analysis 2.6.21 Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques) and the NF-U47-600-2 french standard (Méthodes d’analyse en santé animale - PCR - Exigences et recommandations pour le développement et la validation de la PCR en santé animale).

Furthermore we can provide you:

  • validation of the Scanelis PCR assay compared to a reference method,
  • development of a specific assay to meet a particular need/specifications (ie: detection of a vaccine strain).

Feel free to contact us to define your specifications.